Saturday, January 28, 2012

Big dreams, big dreams.

There's a lot I plan on doing with my life: Travel, document human culture through photographs, open an art studio, get married, have two kids, travel some more, eat great food, and most importantly, inspire others. I know that I am very young right now, only seventeen. But I have lived a great deal of life so far in my existence, and for that, I am truly grateful for all that I accomplished with the help of my parents and other mentors I have in my life. I've been working since I was fifteen at an amazing and influential martial arts school, and I now have an internship with a very well and established photographer. I see a bright future ahead of me, I know that one day I will accomplish all of my goals and aspirations in life. I have had several people who have put me down but  I simply turn those negative vibes into something positive, people who have time to criticize in such an awful and nonconstructive manner, simply have nothing better to do with their sad lives or their envy drives them to such  disgusting lows. My world revolves around art, it drives our universe and thrives through all human life. I am an artist, no matter what anyone says. We are all artists in one way or another. We all strive for something large and meaningful. We create. We love. We dream. My dream is my future, I know what I want and I will have it. No one, and no force can stop me from accomplishing the most full-fulling life I can live. This is only the beginning.